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Resource Description
Feng, D., L. Yu., Y. Zhao, et al. 2016. "Circa 2014 African land-cover maps compatible with FROM-GLC and GLC2000 classification schemes based on multi-seasonal Landsat data." International Journal of Remote Sensing 37 (19):4648-4664.
Li, W., H. Fu, L. Yu, et al. 2016. "Stacked Autoencoder-based deep learning for remote-sensing image classification: a case study of African land-cover mapping." International Journal of Remote Sensing 37 (23):5632-5646.
Feng, D., L. Yu., Y. Zhao., Y. Cheng., Y. Xu., C. Li., P. Gong. 2018. "A multiple dataset approach for 30-m resolution land cover mapping: a case study of continental Africa." International Journal of Remote Sensing 39 (12): 3926-3938.
Last updated: 2/13/2023, 9:31:41 AM
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