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[1] Peng Gong, Jie Wang, Huabing Huang. 2024. Stable classification with limited samples in global land cover mapping: Theory and experiments, Science Bulletin, 69(12): 1862-1865.
[2] Congcong Li, Peng Gong, Jie Wang, et al. 2017. The first all-season sample set for mapping global land cover with Landsat-8 data, Science Bulletin, 62(7): 508-515.
[3] Huabing Huang, Jie Wang, Caixia Liu, et al. 2020. The migration of training samples towards dynamic global land cover mapping, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 161: 27-36.
[4] Congcong Li, Peng Gong, Jie Wang, el al. 2016. An all-season sample database for improving land-cover mapping of Africa with two classification schemes. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37: 4623-4647.
Last updated: 1/30/2024, 8:08:02 AM
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